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Thursday, December 3, 2009

WoW Cataclysm!!! End of World?

Danger!!! if you play World of Warcraft you must leave behind Azeroth as it once was. Blizzard had Presented the new 3rd expansion World of Warcraft Cataclysm at Blizzcon 2009.
Many Classic zones such as Zangarmarsh, Thurnderbluff had all been remade; yet not all zones will be remade.

Stonetalon Mountains: Eruptions devour the landscape, spreading the flames of the Charred Vale even more. The goblins have cut through the mountains, forming a valley that leads into Ashenvale. This valley runs where the tunnel between Ashenvale and Stonetalon was. A mountain has also collapsed in the Charred Vale, allowing access to the sea.
Azshara: now a low-level zone for Horde players, directly linked to Orgrimmar via a path carved through the rear to the Goblin city; from the air it will look like a giant Horde symbol isn't that cool! it's actually carved by the Goblins. The goblin city there will also have a giant cannon installed; The zone will be for players level 15 and up; expect to see a Goblin version of Mount Rushmore! muahahaha:)
Desolace: Once a barren wasteland, the Cataclysm has caused a rift to form, allowing water to flood in from the coast and bring life back to the region. However, the region is now being invaded by demons. A Night Elven camp will be added (woot they're pretty). New flight paths and new quest hubs will be added :)

The new expansion set states that their will be a set of new professions, class changes and new race groups such as: Prof: Archeaology,Reforging & Races: Worgen & Goblins
This new expansion will give so much more to many areas and excitment. I hope all of you are just excited as I am!!!!

Yet, many believe that the new expansion is a story of what will happen to earth; saying that we will reach apocolypse. I say to that that its just an idea to scare us just like the movie 2012. Apocolypse may happen yes through facts of science and hints of mother nature that we need to fix our shit before we kill ourselves. I wouldn't worry just yet we have billions of more years before mother earth fails on us. LOL .

WELL! Enjoy the movie clip of World of Warcraft Cataclysm. =]]

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